
NEW technological partnership: PIPECODES & BigCommerce!

Business ECommerce Partnership PipeCodes
PIPECODES & BigCommerce Partnership

BigCommerce was launched in 2009 as a 100% bootstrapped e-commerce showcase platform, and over the years it has adapted to the various aspects of e-commerce, consumer behavior, and the way businesses are managed. And now, as a NEW technological partnership: PIPECODES & BigCommerce are working together.

We are very happy to be Official Partners of the Leading Platform for e-Commerce as SaaS. And mainly, because we share the same values, valuing people more and more, having a disruptive approach to the market, integrity, and flexibility!” said Fábio Carreto, CEO and Founder of PIPECODES.

We have been developing some projects with BigCommerce technology, and the optimizations are notorious, allowing us to provide new online experiences to our customers and partners, through an even more robust and secure interface, especially for projects that require scalability. It is also important to mention that it allows for even faster customization to other markets (nationals and internationals) and different types of businesses.
Some resources available in the projects we develop with this technology:

  • Flexible tax system
  • Drop-shipping options
  • Multi-element JavaScript library for checkout
  • More than 250 currencies
  • Custom Product Filters
  • Multichannel integration (Amazon, eBay..)
  • SEO tools
  • Up to 30,000 brands per online store
  • Unlimited API calls
  • Drag-and-drop page builder
  • Special Functions for B2B Business
  • Shopping carts that hold up to 600 items

In addition to these features, there are many more, and as you can see, the flexibility and capacity of this technology are immense!

At PIPECODES we value the relationships between people, brands, and services, as well as the quality of our services. We have a specialized team in the development of e-commerce projects, especially with this technology, thus ensuring the highest standards.

What a great partnership, PIPECODES & BigCommerce!

Are you looking for an e-commerce solution tailored to you? Just give us a call!